Category Archives: Legislative Issues

Sling Pilot Academy and the City of Torrance Settle Business License Dispute

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Despite boom in air traffic, SBD airport remains without radar

Photo Courtesy of Community Forward Redlands

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Whiteman Airport – LAC Public Health and AQMD Reports Counter Claims That Lead in Avgas are Hurting Kids Near Whiteman Airport

The press release below prepared by the Southern California Airspace Users Working Group contains information that counters claims made by various individuals and CA Senator Menjavar about lead in aviation gasoline hurting kids near Whiteman Airport (KWHP). SCAUWG.ORGassociated with SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA … Continue reading

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Your Comments Requested! Potential Closure of Death Valley’s Stovepipe Wells Airstrip

National Park Service Managers at Death Valley National Park in California are seeking public comment regarding future plans for the Stovepipe Wells Village. Plans include repairs and upgrades to water and sewer systems, and an expansion of the RV campground. … Continue reading

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FAA Issues Notice of Investigation to Santa Clara County For Numerous Items Including Ban on Sale of Leaded Avgas

On December 22, 2021, the FAA issued a strongly worded letter to Eric Peterson, Director of County Airports Santa Clara County. The letter is a notice of informal investigation that was issued as a result of multiple complaints from airport … Continue reading

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100LL Banned at Reid-Hillview & San Martin- Santa Clara County

We all know that leaded aviation fuel’s days are numbered. Steps are already underway to market a recently formulated replacement for 100LL Avgas. But, it seems that’s just not quick enough for Santa Clara County, California. Other airport sponsors in … Continue reading

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Urgent Message to CalPilots Chapters and Members

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A Letter to Redlands City Council From Eric Paul

5-4-21 Good Evening Mayor and Members of the Council.  My name is Eric Paul I’m president of the Redlands Hangar Owners Association.  We built and own 37 hangars on airport land we lease from the City.  I’ve kept an airplane … Continue reading

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A Letter to Redlands City Council From Gil Brown, Coyote Aviation

I write this on March 29, “National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day.”  I find significant irony that the City of Redlands’ Instagram page is promoting that fact. Here’s why: Along with George and Eva Saliba, my wife Carol and … Continue reading

Posted in Airport News, Legislative Issues | 4 Comments

Update on California Bills SB 902 & SB 1120

SB 1120 and SB 902 are being driven by developers, and if passed into law could have a very negative impact on general aviation airports in California.  These bills essentially strip local government of land-use planning and approvals in the … Continue reading

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